Home NASCAR Fans of pro wrestling and NASCAR have much in common

Fans of pro wrestling and NASCAR have much in common

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BRISTOL, Tenn. – NASCAR and pro wrestling have much in common.

The fans are passionate, the shows are elaborate and the stars are compelling.

There is one other common thread between the sports. Just call it the heel, or bad guy, factor.

Consider the example of NASCAR’s resident bad boy this weekend at Bristol Motor Speedway

Over the past couple years, veteran Cup Series driver Denny Hamlin has replaced Kyle Busch as the most hated man in the sport.

Hamlin was greeted with boos and jeers before, during and after the spring race at BMS, but he still posted his second straight victory.

If that wasn’t enough, Hamlin teased his detractors after climbing from his car.

“Hey, I beat your favorite driver – all of them,” Hamlin said.

The vitriol directed against Hamlin continued during Saturday’s driver introductions for the Bristol Night Race, and it was loud.

Each time Hamlin’s name was mentioned on Friday or Saturday, the boo serenade came from men, women and children from all ages.

Of course, newspaper editors, race promoters and television executives love that kind of weekly fan engagement and narrative.

The melodrama generates headlines, sells tickets and attracts viewers.

Meanwhile Hamlin turns the hate into motivational fuel.

A big key to the stability of major league wrestling are the battles between the rule-breaking heel and protagonist – or good guy.

While wrestling heels usually dress in black and love to hurl insults, the well-groomed Hamlin has a white racing uniform and a keen insight into how to succeed at all levels of his sport.

According to the Hamlin haters, their dislike is based on his “cocky” personality, bold comments during interviews and podcasts and “hypocrisy” regarding his aggressive driving style and role in accidents.

The same criticisms have often been directed at Busch, especially at Bristol Motor Speedway.

With a masterful technique and fearless approach, Busch has earned nine Cup wins at Bristol. Busch is certainly not a fan favorite now, but his level of hate doesn’t compare to Hamlin.

Welcome to the fickle world of NASCAR fandom where heroes can morph into bad guys within a single weekend.

As for his detractors, Hamlin has come to accept it.

“At some point I’ve got to realize that I’m probably not going to win the most popular driver award. I’ve come to the conclusion of that and I understand it,” Hamlin said.

“They think they bother me. But clearly, it’s having the opposite effect. I welcome any fan to want to come to the dark side. All five of my fans are still out there chanting my name.”

agregory@bristolnews.com | Twitter: @Greg_BHCSports | (276) 645-2544

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